Dance Politics

Dance Politics is about getting into the bodies and to more deeply engage with its movement. Activists and organizers will gather to think and dance with performers and philosophers, bringing the body wisdom into what we know, and how we work in our social movements.

How is the body and its ability to express joy tied up in the political unconsciousness of empire? Through reading dance it will be looked at the ways in which power exacts itself upon our bodies. It will be looked at how to better be with our bodies to more fiercely engage with the forces of control that are a constant in our lives. How can people break loose of the paradigms of power that they interact with habitually? The ways people have moved will be questioned, and allow them to break loose of habituated movements, let go, and move grounded in liberation and freedom.


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By Lena Felde

Lena is the Treasurer of Cultura21 Germany. She is studying Cultural Sciences (Mag. Art.) at Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany.