Call for Proposals of Wishful Thinking

Write a proposal to a US government agency – Deadline: 1st of May.

As self-declared Artists in Residence for the US Government, the Institute for Wishful Thinking (IWT) believes that the community of artists and designers possesses untapped creative and conceptual resources that could be applied to solving social problems. With this in mind they invite proposals from artists, architects and designers for residencies at government organizations and agencies at all levels.

The website offers guidelines and ways to approach such a proposal. A short summary:

1. Reflect on something, off the top of your head, that seriously disturbs you. This can be a minor inconvenience or something with global consequences.

2. The next step is to do a little research. Uncover divergent views, ideas and debate surrounding your topic. During this stage you will have a chance to read different documents, critiques, see what is already being done and said regarding your subject.

3. Select Agency: Find the agency, federal, state or local, that is responsible for your issue. During this stage you will pick the agency that is either most appropriate for your specific project, most interesting to you or where you feel you can make the largest impact.

4. Devise Plan: This is where you can get creative. What can you specifically offer the agency, what are your creative talents. How would having you as an Artist in Residence make a difference and have the most influence. This can take many different shapes.

5. Write Proposal: Put your ideas on paper. Keep in mind that proposals take many different shapes. Each project is original and has very different parameters.

6. Submit your application by email to info(at) using this Application Form.

By Ronja Röckemann

Ronja Röckemann was the intern of Cultura21 from April to July 2011. She has a Bachelor degree in the field of Cultural Sciences and continues to study at Leuphana University in the Master program "Sustainability Sciences".