“Td Summer School 2013: Transdisciplinary Research at the Science | Society Interface” will be held at Leuphana University Lueneburg, Germany, from September 1 – 10, 2013. The Td Summer School 2013 offers a “Td Training Module” (Sep., 1-6) and a Special Training Module in “Constellation Analysis” (Sep., 9-10) in cooperation with the Center for Technology… Continue reading Td Summer School 2013: Transdisciplinary Research at the Science | Society Interface
Tag: Germany
Exhibition: Burnt Stars by Jenny Brown
Australian Artist Jenny Brown, currently residing in Berlin, Germany on a DAAD scholarship, is inviting to her exhibition Burnt Stars – Meditations on resistance, resilience and systems, curated by Adam Nankervis at stattberlin, an art space (in Berlin) dedicated to new forms of artistic expressions. The opening event is on Thursday 17 January 2013 at… Continue reading Exhibition: Burnt Stars by Jenny Brown
Art and Awareness – Uranium Film Festival in Berlin
After taking place twice in Brazil, the International Uranium Film Festival came to Berlin in October 2012. The highlight of the festival was the screening of four movies about the nuclear disaster of Goiânia, 1987, one of them Cesium 137: The Nightmare of Goiânia (1990), a movie by already deceased Roberto Pires which had already… Continue reading Art and Awareness – Uranium Film Festival in Berlin
Grounded – Soil Film Festival
Celebrate Soil Awareness! As part of the first Global Soil Week, the film festival Grounded will take place at Kino Arsenal in Berlin on the 18th and the 21st November. On two days, a selection of international films on the topic of soil and soil protection will be shown. Ten directors present the diversity and… Continue reading Grounded – Soil Film Festival
Exhibition at Kunstverein Springhornhof
The Simple Life 28 October–16 December, 2012 – Opening: Saturday, 27 October, 5pm; artist talk with Angela Bulloch 6pm Kunstverein & Stiftung Springhornhof – Tiefe Straße 4, D-29643 Neuenkirchen (Germany) With: Angela Bulloch, Josephine Meckseper, Shana Moulton, Simon Starling and winners of the Daniel Frese Prize 2012 Fabian Reimann and Niko Wolf The exhibition The… Continue reading Exhibition at Kunstverein Springhornhof
Call for Papers: Sustainability and Empowerment
The organizing committee of the International Graduate Conference in Hamburg, Germany, taking place from 22nd till 25th of November, are inviting graduate and PhD students to send in papers on the relationship between sustainability and empowerment, till the 15th of October. The theme of the conference is A survey on Latin-American perspectives after Rio+20, focusing… Continue reading Call for Papers: Sustainability and Empowerment
Oikos Winter School 2012
Local innovation for global Impact is the slogan of the oikos Winter School 2012. From the 3rd to the 11th of November they are inviting “young change maker from all around the world” to join them in the Ruhr area: “Germany’s post-industrial area where transition is happening”. “In order to answer the question “How to… Continue reading Oikos Winter School 2012
Arts and Politics: Bridging the Progress of Cultural Sustainability
Wednesday 12 September, 6-8 p.m. – a panel discussion organized by “ArtPolitics” at Haus am Lützowplatz, Berlin ArtsPolitics is a new platform for artists, and political and scientific experts to discuss and collaborate. Their purpose is “to inspire cultural & intellectual progress by building greater understanding between the arts & politics.”
film/book launch
The “Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination” (LABOFII) is spending the summer in Germany, launching the film/book: Pfade durch Utopia (published by Nautilus) : Aug 24th – Hamburg, Kampnagel, 19.00 Aug 25th – Leipzig, Schaubühne Lindenfels, 20.00 Aug 26th – Belzig, Kino hofgarten, 20.00 Aug 29th – Hamburg, Abaton Kino, 20.00 Aug 31st – Berlin, Sputnik Kino,… Continue reading film/book launch
Recycling Games – TerraCycle
TerraCycle creates national recycling systems for previously non-recyclable or hard-to-recycle waste. Anyone can sign up for these programs, called the Brigades, and send them waste. Then, the collected waste is turned into different products and materials available at major retailers. Terracycle encourages teams from the 21 countries where their Brigades operate in to beat their… Continue reading Recycling Games – TerraCycle