NOW – Permaculture in Europe

11th European Permaculture Convergence, 1-5.8.2012 Gastwerke Kassel, Germany Now! This year the EuPC will focuss on Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share in August. For five days 300 activists and designers gather together to start a dialogue on permacultures. Interdisciplinary workshops, lectures and art will be part of the program and will promote European networking… Continue reading NOW – Permaculture in Europe

McDonalds and Sustainability –

– come to think of it… McDonalds and Sustainability. Sounds extremly logical, doesn´t it? These days, the construction of the first sustainable McDonalds store, comes to an end in London. Does that mean, that in the future the well known Fast Food Chain won´t be the place anymore where uncritical and environmentunfriendly voices are still… Continue reading McDonalds and Sustainability –