Julie’s Bicycle


Julies Bicycle is a non-profit company working in the field of environmental sustainability. Its aim is to help integrate it into the business, art and ethics of the music, theatre and creative industries and reduce carbon emissions.
It provides expertise in environmental sustainability to over 350 organisations in the UK as well as internationally and offers practical advice, tools, resources and Industry Green environmental certification and is able to get back at world-leading research on the environmental impacts of the creative industries.
Julies Bicycle works together with NGO’s and cultural organisations. The campaigns are focused products and activities of the creative industries and see the best way of tackling climate change is to reduce the impacts instead of just talking about it. Examples for the campaign are among others Better Batteries, which aims to increase the use of rechargeable battery systems, and CD packaging, which reduces the impacts of CD packaging by up to 95%. Furthermore Julies Bicycle is promoting the use of renewable power provision to festivals.
It creates active links between the various networks and consortia to support the sharing of knowledge and ideas and the rapid adoption of best practice.

Further information can be found here.

By Janna

Janna was BA-student in cultural sciences at the Leuphana University Lueneburg, and did a 5-months internship at Cultura21 in the framework of the Leuphana PLUS program. Janna war Studentin der Angewandten Kulturwissenschaften an der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg und absolvierte im Rahmen des Leuphana Plus Programms ein fünfmonatiges Praktikum bei Cultura21.