Films about Myanmar and India

November 21st, 2011
“The Indian artist and well-known filmmaker Amar Kanwar creates documentary-based multi-channel installations that deal with the politics of power, violence, sexuality, and justice. In “The Torn First Pages”, Kanwar unfolds the struggle for democracy in Myanmar. The eight-chanel video piece “The Lightning Testimonies” reflects upon a history of conflict in the Indian subcontinent through the experiences of sexual violence against women during and after the 1947 partition. Kanwar’s work has been shown in museums across the globe, and he received numerous awards for his works and humanitarian engagement. Kanwar participated in documenta 11, 12, and currently works on a commission for documenta 13.”

The “Zones of Emergency: Artistic Interventions – Creative Responses to Conflict & Crisis” Fall 2011 lecture series investigates initiatives and modes of intervention in contested spaces, zones of conflict, or areas affected by environmental disasters. The intention is to explore whether artistic interventions can transform, disrupt or subvert current environmental, urban, political, and social conditions in critical ways. A crucial question is how can such interventions propose ideas, while at the same time respecting the local history and culture.

More information at the Zones of Emergency Blog:

By Benjamin Smith

Ben was the intern of Cultura21 from July to September 2011. He studied Environmental Sciences at the Leuphana University of Lueneburg, Germany.